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Mag n° 44 – Girls about town

SKU. 62043
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Mag n° 44 – Girls about town
In stock

About this product

In this book we’ve assembled 20 elegantly stylish women’s patterns steeped in city chic.

Refined designs for everyday wear, from slip-overs and cardigans to dresses and sweaters – you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.

For over 70 years we have been thinking up, designing, testing and knitting all day long to bring you the very best of ourselves.

Our expert knitters have provided detailed instructions with fully explained grids, all in sizes S to XXL for women’s patterns and 3 months to 12 years for children’s patterns.

Remember BERGERE de France is there to help you with your knitting projects, on its “SOS TRICOT” hotline.